Animal Health Regulation – An international overview regarding advertisement of veterinary medicinal products

In early 2022, the Veterinary Medicinal Products Regulation (Regulation (EU) 2019/6) entered into force and became applicable in all EU countries. The VMPR significantly changed the regulatory landscape with regard to veterinary medicinal products and resulted in harmonisation on several topics, however, there is often still some room for national practice. In this document, we specifically focus on the new framework regarding the advertising of veterinary medicinal products, and how it is implemented in six Member States. We further briefly discuss the current legal landscape of the UK from a post-Brexit perspective.

This overview is intended to summarise the national developments and legal frameworks regarding the advertising of veterinary medicinal products in order to assist our clients in understanding their position. This document does not constitute legal advice. If you require more information, please do feel free to reach out to the country contacts in this document. We would be happy to assist you further.

*This tracker is accurate as of November 2023

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