COVID-19 – A panoramic view of measures to protect the Clean Energy sector around the world

The worldwide spread of COVID-19 impacts severely the renewable energy sector.

COVID-19 led first to long delays relating to products and energy systems imported from China. Then, the global trade slowdown resulted in an overall stop of most renewable energy projects.

Bird and Bird wishes to keep companies posted on the recent support measures implemented in various jurisdictions. To us, this work aims at providing all stakeholders with a clear view on the market protections mechanisms proposed by States.

In order to secure the projects, industry leaders and unions have proposed numerous measures to protect and support the renewables sector. Some of these measures have been implemented by governments. We decided to also provide you with some comments related to each market.

We hope this guide may be of some use for you and your projects and remain at your disposal, should you want from us any details or information on the below information. As measures are updated almost every day, we will update the table and this might sometimes not be fully up to date.

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