Whistleblowing "in a new way"

Whistleblowing has undoubtedly been one of the hottest topics in the employer environment in Slovakia recently.

Although the reporting of anti-social activities is not new, as this issue has been regulated in detail by a special law since 2019, Act No. 54/2019 Coll. on the Protection of Whistleblowers of Anti-Social Activity and on Amendments and Supplements to Certain Acts, as amended, as a result of implementing EU legislation, Slovak legislators have amended a number of provisions of the Act, effective from 1 July 2023 and 1 September 2023 respectively (the "Amendment").

The Amendment aims to strengthen the position of whistleblowers, as well as introduce new obligations for employers, the non-compliance of which will now be punished by higher rates of fines or new financial penalties.

Let's take a look together at the key changes that the Amendment brings with it.

Full version here

Changes effective from 1 July 2023

Changes effective from 1 September 2023

Full Slovak version here 


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