Budget Law 2023 – Law n. 197/2022

Focus on Tax Controversy: how to close pending tax disputes with Italian Tax Authorities

The Government approved the Budget Law on 29 December 2022 (Law n. 197/2022), which includes several provisions to provide incentives to prevent the start or close of pending tax disputes. Such incentives are qualified as “Measures to support taxpayers”, since their scope is to reduce the pending liabilities of taxpayers vis-à-vis the tax authorities. The Law entered into force on 1 January 2023.

With Circular Letters n. 1 of 13 January 2023 and n. 2 of 27 January 2023, the Italian Revenue Agency provided instructions to taxpayers who wish to take advantage of the tax measures include in the Budget Law.

Our experts of the Tax department wrote a summary which takes into account each case that would require a specific analysis.

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