Cyber Solidarity Act

Latest Developments

20 March 2024 – the text of the provisional agreement on the Cyber Solidarity Act was published 

5 March 2024 – the European Parliament and the Council reached a provisional agreement on the Cyber Solidarity Act  

18 April 2023 – the Commission published a proposal for a EU Cyber Solidarity Act



The main goal of the Cyber Solidarity Act is to better detect, prepare and respond to cybersecurity threats and incidents.

This objective shall be implemented through the following actions:

  • The deployment of a European Cybersecurity Alert System, consisting of consisting of network of National and Cross-border Cyber Hubs. This infrastructure will provide real-time situational awareness to authorities and other relevant entities, enabling them to effectively respond to such threats and incidents;
  • The creation of a Cybersecurity Emergency Mechanism, which will mainly consist of the EU Cybersecurity Reserve and aims to support Member States in preparing for, responding to and immediate recovery from significant and large-scale cybersecurity incidents. The EU Cybersecurity Reserve will be provided by the so-called ‘trusted providers’, i.e., a pre-selected group of private companies who can provide incident response services at request; and
  • The establishment of a European Cybersecurity Incident Review Mechanism to review and assess specific significant or large-scale incidents

How could it be relevant for you?

Entities operating in highly critical sectors (healthcare, transport, energy, etc.) may be subject to so called ‘coordinated preparedness testing’. In addition, you may decide to join the EU Cybersecurity Reserve.

Next steps

The provisional agreement is now subject to formal approval by the European Parliament and the Council.  Once approved, the draft legislative act will be submitted to a legal/linguistic review before being formally adopted by the co-legislators, published in the EU’s Official Journal, and entering into force 20 days after this publication. 

*Information is accurate up to 22 April 2024

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