The Omnibus Directive and the Representative Actions Directive are part of the “New Deal for Consumers”, an initiative from the European Commission. With the New Deal initiative, the European Commission aims to modernise the current EU consumer protection legislation in view of market developments, including the further digitalisation, and to strengthen the enforcement of EU consumer law, mainly regarding EU-wide infringements.
The Digital Content and Services Directive and the Sale of Goods Directive regulate the supply of digital content and services and introduce new rules regarding the sale of non-digital goods and services that may have a digital element. Both directives are part of the Digital Single Market strategy from the European Commission.
If you sell or supply digital content or goods, including goods with a digital element to consumers you must ensure that your consumer facing channels and documentation (apps, websites, as well as the relevant standard terms, policies, etc) meet the requirements of the directives.
Where required, you need to take action as outlined above.
*Information is accurate up to 27 November 2023