jonas baier Mobile

Dr. Jonas Baier, LL.M. (Cambridge)


About Me

I am a Counsel in our Commercial and Dispute Resolution Practice Groups in our Frankfurt/Main office. I am a member of the International Automotive Group and the international Insurance Disputes (Insurance Disputes SIG) team.

With many years of experience as a lawyer and judge, I represent national and international companies in all areas of commercial and criminal law.

I specialise in insurance law (in particular product recall and product liability insurance, cyber insurance, and construction insurance), insurance-related litigation and insurance supervisory law.

In addition, I primarily advise companies in the automotive industry on all legal issues arising in the supply chain. My particular focus is on warranty disputes and the judicial and extrajudicial enforcement or defense against delivery stops. Finally, I have many years of experience in court disputes in various industries across all instances.

Before joining our firm, I worked for many years as a lawyer for a well-known international commercial law firm and as a judge in Frankfurt/Main.
  • Insurance law
  • Advising an international automotive supplier on questions of motor vehicle recall cost insurance (product liability insurance, product recall cost insurance, recall cost insurance)
  • Advising a company on issues relating to the professional liability insurance of a lawyer (professional liability, liability insurance)
  • Advising an international company on questions of transport insurance for a piece of art (transport insurance, art)
  • Advising on drafting of insurance clauses for an OCIP (Owner Controlled Insurance Program) and other insurance clauses for major construction and investment projects
  • Advising various companies on legal issues relating to CAR (Construction All Risk) insurance products
  • Enforcement of coverage claims under product liability policies
  • Out-of-court advice and representation of a company in the electronics industry on questions of the applicability of the Insurance Supervision Act (VAG) to guarantee agreements including representation towards the supervisory authority
  • Automotive
  • Advising various companies in the automotive supply industry on the implementation of a delivery stop and legal defense of the delivery stop (supply stop, supply chain disputes, price disputes, price negotiations)
  • Advising several companies in the automotive supply industry in the judicial enforcement of claims by means of interim legal protection and other out-of-court options in defense against delivery stops (supply stop, supply chain disputes, price disputes, price negotiations)
  • Enforcement and defense of warranty claims in the supply chain in the automotive supply industry
  • Disputes
  • Enforcement of delivery claims of a company against a German engineering company (state court proceeding)
  • Defense of a tier-3 supplier against warranty claims (ICC arbitration)
  • Defense of a company against commercial agent compensation claims in an international context (state court proceeding)
  • Defense against claims for damages to IT infrastructure (state jurisdiction)
  • Enforcement of a contractual penalty from a voting trust agreement (state court proceeding) and payment claims under a Share Purchase Agreement (SPA) (state court proceeding)
  • Advising various credit institutions in various legal disputes in the areas of payment transactions, enforcement law, loan law and investment advice (state court proceedings)
  • Defense of a medical device manufacturer due to allegedly defective products
  • Enforcement of claims due to defective construction work
  • Selected publications
  • Nomos Handkommentar VAG, Brand/Baroch Castellvi (Hrsg.), 2. Auflage 2014 (insb. § 28 [Externe Ratings] §§ 245-249 [Beaufsichtigung von Versi-cherungsunternehmen in der Gruppe] §§ 273-274 [Risikokonzentration und gruppeninterne Transaktionen] §§ 275-278 [Geschäftsorganisation und Berichtspflichten]
  • Aktiva in der Versicherungsbilanz, VersR-Schriftenreihe, Egon Lorenz (Hsg.), Band 53, 2014


  • Legal studies in Mannheim and Tübingen.
  • Doctorate at the University of Mannheim on a subject of accounting law.
  • Post-graduate studies at the University of Cambridge (College: Peterhouse) on a DAAD scholarship; award of the Clifford Chance C.J. Hamson Prize for Comparative Law.
  • Legal clerkship in Mannheim, Speyer, Frankfurt/Main, and London.


  • Admitted to the Bar from 2014 until 2019 and since 2022 (Bar Association Frankfurt/Main)

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