Australia - New Arrangements for Eligible Visa Holders

On November 22, 2021 the Australian government announced new arrangements to further assist in the reopening Australia to visa holders, and further cement our economic recovery.

From 1 December 2021, fully vaccinated eligible visa holders including skilled migrants and international students can travel to Australia without the need to apply for a travel exemption.

This announcement comes as an exciting development for businesses who have been struggling to bring their employees and candidates into Australia, with travel exemptions only being granted in exceptional cases.

Eligible visa holders are persons who hold the following visas:

 Subclass 200  Refugee visa
 Subclass 201  In-country Special Humanitarian visa
 Subclass 202  Global Special Humanitarian visa
 Subclass 203  Emergency Rescue visa
 Subclass 204  Woman at Risk visa
 Subclass 300  Prospective Marriage visa
 Subclass 400  Temporary Work (Short Stay Specialist) visa
 Subclass 403  Temporary Work (International Relations) visa (other streams, including Australian Agriculture Visa stream)
 Subclass 407  Training visa
 Subclass 408  Temporary Activity visa
 Subclass 417  Working Holiday visa
 Subclass 449  Humanitarian Stay (Temporary) visa
 Subclass 457  Temporary Work (Skilled) visa
 Subclass 461  New Zealand Citizen Family Relationship visa
 Subclass 462  Work and Holiday visa
 Subclass 476  Skilled – Recognised Graduate visa
 Subclass 482  Temporary Skill Shortage visa
 Subclass 485  Temporary Graduate visa
 Subclass 489  Skilled – Regional (Provisional) visa
 Subclass 491  Skilled Work Regional (Provisional) visa
 Subclass 494  Skilled Employer Sponsored Regional (Provisional) visa
 Subclass 500  Student visa
 Subclass 580  Student Guardian visa (closed to new applicants)
 Subclass 590  Student Guardian visa
 Subclass 785  Temporary Protection visa
 Subclass 790  Safe Haven Enterprise visa
 Subclass 870  Sponsored Parent (Temporary) visa
 Subclass 988  Maritime Crew visa

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