Buy Now Pay Later Regulatory Tracker

More and more countries are considering regulation around buy-now-pay-later (BNPL) services, with some considering consumer credit product laws in order to increase consumer protection in the area.

Typically, BNPL services offer interest free short-term loans, paid over a couple of weeks or months. Their interest free nature means they are often exempt from consumer credit regulation (for example, credit checks don’t need to be carried out). Despite the advantages which BNPL offers, reviews of the growing sector by authorities in the UK, Australia, Netherlands and Denmark suggest existing regulatory frameworks may not provide full consumer protection for consumers who may be at greater risk of financial difficulty.

In addition, regulators are also increasingly considering regulating communications, marketing and advertising of these services which are often promoted on social media.

Our Financial Regulation team have created a tracker which provides you with the latest view of BNPL legislation/guidance from our local teams. The tracker will be updated regularly and provides details of the key Bird and Bird contacts in each jurisdiction, for more information feel free to get in touch with them. You can obtain information by clicking a jurisdiction from the list.


  BNPL specific legislation has been passed
  BNPL legislative change is underway
  BNPL regulated under existing legislation

buy now pay later


Australia Blegium China Hong Kong Czech Republic Denmark Finland France Germany Hungary Italy Netherlands Poland Singapore Spain Sweden UAE UK

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