The Three Point Plan to manage your supply contracts in a new normal

In easy trading times businesses buy goods and services to meet their then current requirements but also with an eye on the future, expecting service improvement and growth.

When recession and financial turmoil strikes (as we are currently experiencing ) the scene changes fast. The volumes by which your pricing structures have been set may no longer be relevant, the existing service levels may no longer be appropriate, and consolidation and corporate reorganisation may have materially changed the needs of your business.

Adapting fast and efficiently to economic downturn is key to survival and to laying the foundations for recovery. Skilfully adjusting your supply arrangements to fit your needs can materially assist your recessionary planning.

We believe that re-profiling your contracts in such circumstances needs two sets of expertise: commercial legal expertise and practical operational experience.

To meet your needs, our market leading commercial team have joined forces with SquadRED, which specializes in strategic outsourcing advice, in order to support you.

Together we have developed the Three Point Plan, a methodology to assist you to:

1 Drive a reassessment of your needs;
2 Refocus your business requirements;
3 Realign your contracts to ensure that they deliver what is needed now and at the right price.

This combination of contract law skills and operational expertise equips you with the tools required to face the challenges posed by the current economic landscape.

Watch our team’s short video to hear more about what we’re seeing in the market and how we’re helping clients to optimise their supply contract arrangements.

We would love to have an opportunity to meet with you to hear more about your challenges – get in touch with any of our team to find out more about how we can help.

View video >


Additional Speakers:

Tim L

Tim Lloyd

Director, SquadRED
Tel: +44 7771 978002
[email protected]

Rick S

Rick Simmonds

Director, SquadRED
Tel: +44 7973 642430
[email protected]


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