The changes in the energy sector introduced by the "PNRR-ter Decree" and the Draft “Suitable Areas” Decree

Law No. 41 of 21 April 2023, converting, with amendments, Law-Decree No. 13 of 24 February 2023, on "Urgent provisions for the implementation of the National Recovery and Resilience Plan (NRRP) and the National Plan for Complementary Investments to the NRRP, as well as for the implementation of cohesion policies and the common agricultural policy" was published in Official Gazette No. 94.

Recent news in the energy sector then undoubtedly includes the long-awaited draft decree aimed at indicating the criteria for the identification, by Regions and Autonomous Provinces, of eligible areas for the installation of renewable energy plants ("Draft Decree Suitable Areas").

Our professionals wrote an alert with the intent to provide a brief overview of the main novelties introduced in the field of energy and the environment, with particular reference to the simplifications of the authorization procedures for plants from renewable sources and the identification of suitable areas.

Click here to read the alert

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