Risk & Compliance: Global employee headcount thresholds and employment law obligations guide

As companies expand and internationalise, additional compliance obligations often accompany that growth. In this guide, our international team of employment experts outline the key legal requirements triggered by employee headcounts across 19 jurisdiction and highlight how these can impact your business.

The team look at a wide range, including obligations relating to;

  • Employee representatives
  • Whistleblower policies
  • Collective dismissal
  • Health & Safety
  • Equality & diversity requirements

Additionally, the team offers insight into the threshold required to establish a European Works Council. The Global employee headcount thresholds and employment law obligations guide forms part of our Managing compliance: The People Risk Agenda series and covers the following key jurisdictions; Australia, Belgium, China, Czech Republic, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Hong Kong, Hungary, Italy, Netherlands, Poland, Singapore, Slovakia, Spain, Sweden, United Arab Emirates and the United Kingdom.

Our local Bird & Bird Employment teams are available to provide additional information on Employee headcount thresholds and employment law obligations on request.

Read the guide here

*Please note, that information contained in this guide is correct as of March 2023 and provides guidance only.

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