
Procurement processes can be complex and time-consuming so you need to be confident in sourcing the right partners and securing the best outcomes for your business.

By automating the analysis of bidder responses, our outsourcing tool “Evaluate” does the heavy lifting for you, so you can be sure you’ve chosen the right supplier. Distilling decades of procurement experience, our team factor in key criteria including lawyer analysis, compliance, and areas of specific concern for your company to generate a weighted score for each bidder. 

With fully customisable weightings that can be adapted through the procurement process, you can be sure the scoring will always reflect what’s most important to you and your business at that moment in time. 

Whether you’re providing a snapshot of the process to your finance team, or delving into the detail with your in-house lawyers, our tool has you covered. The portal allows you to view a summary on an interactive, user-friendly dashboard, or explore the detailed analysis and the breakdown of each clause, giving you the complete picture of what your bidders are offering.

To find out more, get in touch with our team below.

screenshots of evaluate tool