Zespół Bird & Bird ponownie liderem rankingu Chambers FinTech Legal

Już trzeci rok z rzędu warszawskie biuro Bird & Bird zostało liderem w dziedzinie FinTech według rankingu Chambers FinTech Legal.

Sławomir Szepietowski i Kuba Ruiz kolejny raz znaleźli się w gronie czołowych polskich ekspertów FinTech.

W tym roku po raz pierwszy wyróżniona została również Marta StanisławskaAssociate to watch.

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Poniżej przedstawiamy opinie opublikowane w tegorocznej edycji Chambers FinTech Legal:

Bird & Bird is renowned globally for its expertise in technology. Operating out of Warsaw, the firm is highly adept at providing solutions to clients facing difficulties with regulation related to financial services, or with issues that may arise when implementing a major IT project such as introducing cloud computing for an incumbent institution.

"The team are experts at working with both startups and institutions, they also communicate very well."

Sławomir Szepietowski is managing partner of the Warsaw office, as well as head of the banking and finance team. Szepietowski is adept at guiding international FinTech startups on entry into the Polish market, as well as helping incumbents and investment funds with corporate governance or regulatory matters.

Kuba Ruiz is an IT, commercial and dispute resolution expert who is considered an expert in payments law. A variety of sources praise his capabilities in securing good deals on behalf of his clients. A source says: "He is a strong lawyer who cooperates a lot with banks in the FinTech sector."

Marta Stanisławska has a strong market presence in Poland, with a reputation for handling matters associated with payment services and solutions. She specialises in advising FinTech companies and financial institutions on a range of topics, including the process of obtaining licences and regulatory requirements. An interviewee notes: "She is focused on FinTech and has a broad practice."

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