Legal update: impact of Brexit on the aviation industry

As the aviation industry looks towards a post-Brexit world, it is still unclear whether the UK and the EU will reach a trade agreement to apply after the transition period, which ends next month. The impact of Brexit on aviation is far-reaching: as yet there is no agreement on air traffic rights, and the UK’s decision not to continue its EASA membership puts a focus on agreement on air safety. The Department for Transport has recently reiterated the desire to reach agreement as well as the potential implications if that is not achieved. Whether you’re an airline, airport, supplier, travel business or financier, you are no doubt looking to understand just how the industry will function from January 2021 and how the changes will affect your business.

We’re very pleased that we will be hosting experts from the UK Civil Aviation Authority in a live webinar on 9 December 2020 to explore many of these questions. An invitation will be issued shortly, and in the meantime please join our Aviation subject matter experts as they set the scene by examining the regulatory developments and key issues associated with Brexit including:

  • The implications of the UK’s departure from EASA

  • The need for an air services agreement

  • What a bilateral air safety agreement may achieve

  • Why agreement on air services and safety may be proving difficult

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