Czech Republic

Stage of legislative progress

In force

Implementation Act

Act No. 179/2019 Coll. amending the Consumer Protection Act (No. 634/1992 Coll.)

Implementation date

16 July 2019

Responsible body/bodies (art. 7 (1) GBR)
MS must designate one or more bodies for its adequate and effective enforcement. This can include courts or administrative authorities (recital 35 GBR).

The Czech Trade Inspection Authority ("CTIA") as the general enforcement body, Energy Regulatory Office for the energy sector, the respective professional bodies for self-regulated professional services and Czech National Bank for professions in financial services.

Enforcement measures (art. 7 (2) GBR)
MS must lay down rules setting out the measures applicable to infringements. These measures must be effective, proportionate and dissuasive.

Administrative fines of up to CZK 3,000,000 (approx. €115.000).

Practical assistance (art. 8 GBR)
MS must designate one or more bodies responsible for providing practical assistance to consumers in the case of a dispute between a consumer and a trader arising from the application of the GBR

The European Consumer Centre Czech Republic (which is attached to the CTIA)