About Me

I am a tech lawyer based in Paris providing my expertise in electronic communications and data protection regulation to businesses across jurisdictions.

I advise tech businesses on the global challenges they face in the digital and communications sectors, including by ensuring their compliance with French and European regulatory obligations. In this respect, I have been closely monitoring the transposition of the Directive establishing the European Electronic Communications Code into domestic law of EU Member States.

My telecom background is also relevant for data protection compliance, especially in the field of ePrivacy. In this regard, I advise clients on the use of cookies, traffic data retention obligations, confidentiality of electronic communications, etc.

I also act as Counsel in proceedings before EU and French regulators and courts.

Before joining Bird & Bird in 2020, I undertook several internships in international law firms and at the European Commission.


  • Paris Bar School, Professional Lawyer's Certificate
  • Stetson University College of Law, LL.M. In International Law
  • University Toulouse 1 Capitole, Master 2 In International Economic Law
  • University Toulouse 1 Capitole, Master 1 In International and European Law
  • University of Nottingham, Erasmus
  • University Toulouse 1 Capitole, Bachelor of Laws (LL.B.), French Law and Common Law Legal Systems


  • Paris Bar (2021)

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