About Me

A partner in our Competition & EU Law practice group based in London, I bring over 25 years' experience of providing solutions for our clients in highly regulated and technically complex markets.

My no-nonsense advice on the application of EU and national competition and regulatory rules includes advising on investigations by competition authorities and regulators, cartel leniency applications, sector enquiries, complaints and merger filings.

I bring an in-depth understanding of the interaction between competition rules and the complex technical, commercial and regulatory arrangements governing the operation of energy networks and markets. I have experience of implementing Network Codes and Guidelines in the energy sector, developing electricity market rules and advising on capacity markets. I also advise on REMIT and other sector rules. As well as working extensively in energy markets, I also advise clients in the technology, pharma and communications sectors.

My work also involves advising on disputes between businesses in which competition and regulatory issues arise, including competition follow-on damages claims.

As well as authoring books and articles on EU and UK competition law, I am a regular contributor on competition and regulatory issues in the media and at conferences around Europe.
  • Advising EirGrid and SONI, the electricity transmission system operators for Ireland and Northern Ireland, on the I-SEM project to implement EU electricity market arrangements, involving the development of new balancing, day-ahead, intraday and capacity markets.
  • Advising a UK energy company on the impact of the judgment of the EU General Court in Case T-793/14 Tempus Energy v. Commission, which effectively suspended the GB capacity market.
  • Advising Polar Air Cargo LLC, a Part 20 Defendant in the Emerald v. BA air cargo competition damages claim, including in successful appeals to the Court of Appeal.


  • The College of Law, Lancaster Gate, Law
  • University of Exeter, LLB (European), English Law, French Law, EU Law
  • Aix-Marseille University, Diplôme d'Études de Droit Privé Français/French Commercial and Private Law


  • Law Society of England & Wales in 1991
  • Law Society of Ireland in 2017
Testimonials Carousel Megaphone


Peter Willis is described as a 'thoughtful, extremely thorough and detailed man, someone you would want holding your hand through a CMA investigation.'

Chambers & Partners Europe

'Practice head Peter Willis has 30 years' experience of advising businesses on competition and regulation, in both London and Brussels, spanning multiple sectors.'

Legal 500 UK 2024

'Practice head Peter Willis stands out for his reputation in the energy sector.'

Legal 500 EMEA 2020

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