Clean Energy Package & Digitalisation

On 10 October 2019, the Institute for Mining and Energy Law of Ruhr University Bochum (IBE Bochum) held its 3rd Expert Discussion in Brussels on the law of the Energy Union. Matthias Lang discussed the Clean Energy for all Europeans Package and its impact on the transition towards a cleaner and digitalised energy system.

After its initiation in 2016, the Brussels Expert Discussion of the Institute for Mining and Energy Law (Institut für Berg- und Energierecht) of Ruhr University Bochum took place in Brussels for the third time. The participating experts discuss pressing questions of European Energy Law, in dialogue with the European Commission.

The event was organized by Prof. Dr. Johann-Christian Pielow of Ruhr University Bochum. Key presentations included:

  • Dr. Florian Ermacora, Head of the Internal Energy Market Unit in DG Energy of the EU Commission, on “The “Clean Energy for all Europeans" legislative package: state of discussion and (implementation) perspectives”

  • Prof. Dr. Hartmut Weyer of TU Clausthal-Zellerfeld: “Possibilities and Limits of regional flexibility markets”

  • Dr. Sven-Joachim Otto of Ernst&Young: “Public utility cooperations in the context of EU law”

  • Thorsten Coß of AVU SERVICEPLUS GmbH: “Implementation of European requirements for energy efficiency and entrepreneurial practice”

  • Dr. Markus Böhme of TaylorWessing: “"Coal withdrawal" in Germany: Status of implementation and European context”

  • Prof. Dr. Ulrich Stroth of Max Planck Institut für Plasmaphysik: “Nuclear fusion's contribution to clean energy supply in the EU?”

  • Dr. Peter Bauhofer of TIWAG Tiroler Wasserkraft AG: „Hydropower as Enabler of the Energy Transition”

  • Johannes Thielen of Düsseldorfer Institut für Energierecht: „Energy transition and EU state aid law: On the Renewable Energy Law (EEG) 2012 - ruling of the ECJ of 28 March 2019”

  • Dr. Christoph Palme of WTS Legal Rechtsanwaltsgesellschaft mbH: „Special compensation scheme under the Renewable Energy Law (EEG) in the non-subsidised room?”

  • Dr. Matthias Lang of Bird & Bird: “Update Clean Energy Package & Digitalisation”

Matthias’ presentation focused on the Clean Energy Package and its impact on the energy transition. Digitalisation is in the development of becoming one of the main forces to form the future of the energy sector and it already influences the European legal framework. The electricity market is undergoing a change towards more interconnectivity via smart meters, smart grids and data management with energy efficiency as one of the key aspects of the Energy Union. A focus of the energy transition lies on the energy performance of buildings. With the Clean Energy for all Europeans Package, the European Union has implemented a legal basis for smart buildings. In addition, the renewable self-consumer will play a vital role with regard to integrating renewables and new technology into the electricity system. He will indirectly contribute to the digitalisation of the energy sector through storing and selling self-generated energy using peer-to-peer trading.

Please find the presentation here in English, or here in German.

For more information please also see the article Clean Energy Package & Digitalisation

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