Upcoming Developments in the Intellectual Property Landscape as Outlined in Hong Kong’s Chief Executive’s 2022 Policy Address

Hong Kong Chief Executive John Lee’s 2022 Policy Address was released today.

In the Policy Address, the Government outlines several development plans in the intellectual property landscape.  Most notably, the Government aims to afford greater protection of intellectual property rights with the following plans: 

Trade mark:

  • Completing the preparatory work for implementation of the international trade mark registration system (The Madrid Protocol) in the next year


  • Strengthening copyright protection in the digital environment by securing passage of the amendment bill to the Copyright Ordinance in the next year 


  • Rolling out a pilot project with the China National Intellectual Property Administration to enable Hong Kong applicants to enjoy prioritised examination of qualified patent applications in the Mainland in the next year
  • Enhancing the substantive examination capability of patent examiners under the original grant patent system and developing a talent pool, with a view to acquiring institutional autonomy in conducting substantive patent examination by 2030

Registered design: 

  • Conducting a review of the registered designs regime in 2024

At a broader level, the Government also plans to: - 

  • Promote Hong Kong’s IP trading and professional services through activities, e.g. the Hong Kong Trade Development Council (“HKTDC”)’s annual Business of IP Asia Forum
  • Provide IP training for 5,000 personnel across different industries within the current-term of the Government

The HKTDC will also enhance its Asia IP Exchange portal next year to facilitate IP trading across different sectors. 

These plans are meant to develop Hong Kong to be an IP trading hub in the region.  We will monitor the latest developments and come back with further updates once the relevant details are available.  


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