Sending your employees to the UK and from the UK to Poland as business visitors: risks and considerations


yuichi sekine module
Yuichi Sekine

Head of Business Immigration

Come and join our webinar on 11 May organised in cooperation with The British Polish Chamber of Commerce.

Immigration compliance will raise more issues for many European companies when sending their employees to the UK and from the UK to Poland for business visits.

Join our webinar which is designed to raise employer awareness of what is generally permissible in relation to the business visitor route and what types of activities are prohibited. If the business visitor route is not suitable, employers will need a licence in order to sponsor employees who are EU nationals and who require a work visa (in the UK) and to apply for a work permit for UK nationals (in Poland).

Who should attend this event?

Any European employers who may need to send their employees to the UK or from the UK to Poland.

The following topics will be covered:

  • Permissible activities as a business visitor
  • Prohibited activities
  • Compliance issues at passport control
  • Pitfalls of remote working as a visitor in the UK and in Poland

The webinar will be led by:

Yuichi Sekine, head of Head of the Business Immigration team in the UK, Bird & Bird
MichaƂ Olszewski, Associate in the Employment team in Warsaw, Bird & Bird

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