Live Webinar Coronavirus

Does the NOW scheme also apply to seasonal work and how should I substantiate an application? Can my customers invoke force majeure? What risks do I run with selective payment of my creditors? This is just a selection of common questions related to the Corona crisis. Bird & Bird is happy to help its clients through the crisis.

After a successful first edition, Bird & Bird will organize a second live webinar on Tuesday May 26th, in which Bird & Bird specialists will discuss common questions. You can participate in this webinar without any obligation and free of charge. The webinar takes about one hour and is interactive. There is a possibility to ask questions via a chat function. We also offer the possibility to submit questions in advance, which will be answered during the webinar ([email protected]).

*Please note that all presentations will be held in the Dutch language. The sheets will be provided to you afterwards both in the Dutch and the English langue.

The full agenda is as follows:

14:45 – 15:00

15:00 – 15:05
Evelyn Tjon-En-Fa – Moderator

15:05 – 15:20
General labour law issues
Hans Mulder – Senior Associate, Employment
Chelsea Gunning - Associate, Employment

15:20 – 15:35
Contracts: force majeure and unforeseeable circumstances
Roelien van Neck - Partner, Commercial
Jeffrey Maalderink – Associate, Dispute Resolution

15:35 – 15:55
Directors' and officers' liability
Creditors' agreement and restart in bankruptcy
Michiel Wurfbain – Partner, Corporate
Olaf Trojan – Partner, Dispute Resolution

Please send us an email if you would like to receive more information about the Live Webinar Coronavirus

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