Webinar: The DSM Directive one year on (part II) Article 15: A power shift back to the publishers?

Article 15 of Directive 2019/790 builds on and follows a number of national initiatives aimed at remedying declining revenues in the press sector. Over time, the internet and new online services – such as news aggregators and media monitoring services – have been frequently indicated as being partially responsible for this phenomenon, due to the impossibility for press publishers to control and contrast unauthorised uses of press content by these subjects.

In part two of our DSM Directive webinar series, we welcome voices from different markets, including the UK, who won’t transpose the Directive, Italy, Denmark and the Netherlands. Joining us will be guest speakers, John Halton, Assistant General Counsel, Financial Times and Karen Rønde, CEO, Danish Press Publications’ CMO (DPCMO), along with Bird & Bird copyright experts, Eleonora Rosati and Clemens Molle.

Join us for an hour of brilliant conversation and our panellist’s honest views on the DSM Directive and how its implementation is having an effect on legal issues in the media sector now and how it’s working (or not working) in different markets.

Guest Speakers: 

 John Halton - Assistant General Counsel Financial Times Karen Hønde - CEO, Danish Press Publications' CMO (DPCMO)

John Halton
Assistant General Counsel
Financial Times

John Halton is Assistant General Counsel at the Financial Times, where he advises the technology, licensing and editorial departments on contracts, intellectual property and other commercial issues. John has been with the FT since 2013, having previously worked as a partner in a UK regional law firm. 

Karen Rønde
Danish Press Publications' CMO (DPCMO)

Karen Rønde is a lawyer and CEO of the Danish Press Publishers' CMO representing 97% of the Danish press publishers - www.dpcmo.dk - established in July 2021. Karen has previously worked with news publishers, Netflix, Viaplay, MTG, ESL, Banjijay, collecting societies among others. Karen has also worked as a journalist and anchor on national television and is a former member of the Danish Parliament 

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