Bird & Bird's New Facebook advertising terms, new Apple iOS 14 privacy rules and updated cookie guidance: help!

More than ever, online advertising plays an instrumental role in today's digital economy. Ready to take your business to the next level but still trying to catch up with the latest digital advertising developments? Wait no longer!

Our international Privacy & Data Protection team is here to give an update on the latest trends and help you navigate the challenges in the interaction between Data Protection Laws and Digital Advertising.


  • New Facebook Custom Audience & Lookalike terms
    • What the August 2020 Facebook terms mean for companies willing to advertise on this platform?
    • What changes are on the horizon under the current Australian law reform processes? What are the possible implications for advertising on Facebook

  • Apple iOS 14 and upcoming transparency and consent requirements regarding the access to IDFA
    • What will the changes mean for app publishers?
    • Are ad-supported app models under assault?

  • Updated cookie guidelines from EU and APAC regulators
    • Latest developments including the recently updated guidance from the French Data Protection Authority in October 2020
    • Will we ever get to see a final version of the ePrivacy Regulation?

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