Bird & Bird, as a training organisation, has obtained the quality certification (QUALIOPI), which has become compulsory as of 1 January 2022.

Qualiopi is a quality certification mark for training organisations. It is registered with the INPI and attests to the quality of the firm's actions as a training organisation under a single reference framework.

Bird & Bird decided to obtain this certification to Demonstrate our quality approach and give you confidence Comply with the new quality requirements for training Allow you to access public and mutualised funds (OPCO, CPF)

Set up a continuous improvement organisation

To perpetuate our activity as a training organisation


QUALIOPI quality certification can only be issued by certification bodies accredited by the French Accreditation Committee (COFRAC).

SOCOTEC Certification France is accredited by the COFRAC for the delivery of QUALIOPI certification - Certificate RNQ/2112-053