Drawing on their experience with Interbrand the authors examine how this should be done and map out the future of
1. The Internet Explosion
From the 30-ton Eniac to the PC; Turning raw analogue data into workable information; The Internet as an important part of business; Using the Internet as a content repository; Dividing business into smaller marketing niches; The need for consistency in branding on the Internet.
2. From Retailing To E-tailing
Retailing online and offline; Selling the personality of an e-tail brand; Marketing e-tailing strategy relevance; Building customer relationships on the web; E-tailing with Internet partners; The Internet as a community meeting place.
3. E-retailing: a look ahead
Merchandizing online and offline; Leveraging existing strength on the we; Determining the right product mix for e-tailin; Couponing on the web; Solution retailing on the web; Fulfillment, the future key to e-tailing.
4. Web Brands
WebBrand.com – a new form of private (own) labels?; The challenge of building a web brand; Developing the right e-brand name; Positioning the e-brand; Focusing on an underserved market; Personalizing the e-brand experience.
5. The Strategic Role of e-branding
The strategic role of brands; Ceding control; Community participation; Focusing on core competency; Keeping your content current; Creating engagement.
6. The Dynamics for Package Goods on the Internet
The critical need for branding in cyber shopping; New brand relationships; Building consumer confidence on the web; Maintaining brand values; Leveraging brand equity on the web; Introducing new brands on the web.
7. Brand Design for Digital Viewing
Brand relevance through design; Dimensionalizing your brand; Creating brand loyalty on the web; Simplifying navigation of the web; Reflecting the global nature of brand; The designer of the future.
8. Interactive Brand Design Research
Gathering market intelligence on the Internet; New research products and technologies; E-research versus traditional research; Immediate brand and shopper information; Profiling consumers’ use of product.
9. Interfacing With The Consumer
Promoting the brand online; Partnering on the Internet; Rewarding the consumer online; Integrating online and offline promotion; Consumer interaction with all media; Sharing experiences on the Internet.
10. Interfacing With Advertising
Determining the customer value proposition; Targeting and addressing your specific audience; Convergence of TV and interactive; Tying marketing directly to purchasing; Establishing stronger brand relationships.
11. Brand Identity and the Law
Brand name and trade mark protection online; Identity elements for e-trade; Enforcement – where to go; Domain name hijacking or cyber squatting; Misuse of trade marks on the Internet.
12. A Look Ahead: e-biz in the new millennium
Digital convergence in the home; Concise targeting on the Internet; The importance of change; E-shopping versus traditional shopping; “Smart” devices in the future.