Bird & Bird co-hosts successful event with ACC on Digital Business: Big Data & Cloud Services

On 6 October 2016 Bird & Bird The Hague co-hosted the seminar Digital Business – Big Data & Cloud Services with the Association of Corporate Counsel (ACC). The seminar took place in Amsterdam at one of Verizon's datacenters.

Roelien van Neck (Partner, The Hague) en Jeroen van der Lee (Partner, The Hague) discussed with the delegates issues concerning big data transactions and value creation and talked about trending topics within cloud services.

In-house counsel from several national and international organizations took the opportunity to learn more about big data and cloud services.

After the presentations all the participants made a tour through Verizon's datacenter and got to know all the ins and outs of how a datacenter works.

Roelien and Jeroen were happy with the turnout and engagement of the audience. They commented: "It was great to have an interactive session with a knowledgeable audience."

One participant commented: "Very useful seminar, especially the case study and the examples of contract terms." 

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