high street with bunting

Using Smartsheets to improve transparency and delivery

We were managing a complex IP project for a global fast food franchise. The scale of the work and lack of defined processes meant there was little clarity around billing, invoicing, and overall budget management.

The LPD team conducted a discovery session to identify pain points and areas for improvement. Off the back of this, they implemented Smartsheets technology to track incoming invoices, as well as other activity across the project, such as time recorded, deadlines, and communication with stakeholders.

The functionality within Smartsheets means outstanding items can be flagged to responsible individuals, allowing us to be more proactive with monitoring work rather than always ‘playing catchup’.

Smartsheets provided us with a better handle on the work being delivered. It enabled us to streamline how work was captured and recorded, giving clear visibility of important deadlines. This ensured that actions were completed on-time, all the time. The reporting functionality within Smartsheets also meant that both Bird & Bird and the client had better transparency over fees, giving them peace of mind that work was being delivered on-time, and in-budget.